Nimbus Landscape Materials advises customers to please view our material in person if you are matching existing material or placing a phone order. Color and texture may vary due to photo quality.

Playground Fiber

Your standard light-brown colored playground bark. It comes from the inside of the tree which gives it its softer feel. Safe to place in your child’s play area. Sold in increments of ¼ yards to full yards.

Walk On

Small bark mixed with shredded Doug Fir. Sold in increments of ¼ yards to full yards.


Medium Bark –Has the word ‘medium’ in the name but is actually a larger size bark that ranges anywhere from an inch and half to 3 inches. It is a more heavier bark than the other barks. Sold in increments of ¼ yards to full yards.

Small Bark – Small, nugget sized bark that comes from a Douglas Fir. It has a small, yet, chunky texture. Sold in increments of ¼ yards to full yards.

Red Mulch

A bright, red bark. Also made from recycled wood products. Its dye helps it keep its color lasting for about 2 years. Sold in increments of ¼ yards to full yards.

Brown Mulch

A dyed brown bark is also known as “Chocolate Mulch” for its dark brown color. Use it to decorate your front yard or planter boxes. Sold in increments of ¼ yards to full yards.

Black Mulch

Black Mulch – Made from recycled wood products, this bark is a more thicker bark than the shredded barks. Used more as a decorative bark and dyed black for a longer lasting color than the natural barks. Sold in increments of ¼ yards to full yards.

Small Black Mulch – A small, dyed black bark that ranges in sizes about ½” to 1”. Because of size, the bark tends to compact, causing its color to stand out more. Sold in increments of ¼ yards to full yards.

Shredded Cedar

Shredded Cedar Landscape Bark Rancho CordovaA lighter color and more finely shredded bark. Mats down to hold in moisture and its scent works as a natural insect repellent. Sold in increments of ¼ yards to full yards.

Shredded Redwood

A thin, shredded bark, also known as “Gorilla Bark”. Can be used as ground cover in the yard or in between plants in the garden. Constricts really well for setting it on hillsides. Sold in quarter or full yard increments. Also in a 2 cubic foot bag. Sold in increments of ¼ yards to full yards.